Breast Augmentation for Wide Set Breasts: Can it Be Done?
A breast augmentation can create fuller breasts to achieve more feminine contours. Dr. Gregory T. Mesna has helped many women achieve their cosmetic goals through breast augmentation. The size and shape of each woman’s breasts is unique, and he takes all this into account. Many women ask about breast augmentation for wide set breasts during their consultation at our Minneapolis, MN office. Women with wide set breasts often have more concerns than just create a larger and fuller breast.
Am I a Breast Augmentation Candidate if I Have Wide Set Breasts?
The short answer is yes. There is no reason that a woman with wide set breasts cannot undergo breast augmentation surgery. In addition to the health requirements, we primarily recommend breast augmentation for women who want to achieve a fuller, but still natural size. We also recommend that patients have realistic expectations for their procedure.
It is important to keep in mind that because each patient is unique, breast augmentation results vary greatly from person to person. This is true even between two women with wide set breasts who have had the procedure. When you meet with Dr. Mesna, he will carefully evaluate your breasts. From there, he can give you a better idea of your results after augmentation.
Previous Breast Augmentation
Some women undergo breast augmentation surgery by a less experienced surgeon. This inexperience can result in wide set breasts where there previously were none. Dr. Mesna can use techniques to help restore the breasts to a normal width.
Can Breast Augmentation Reduce the Gap?
Yes and no. Again, it all depends on your individual body composition. For some women, a moderate breast augmentation reduces the appearance of wide set breasts. For others, it does not. Dr. Mesna is an experienced plastic surgeon that will use his advanced training and techniques to reduce the appearance of a “gap” as much as possible. There is no guarantee, however, that your wide set breasts will appear closer together after augmentation.
The best way to ensure optimal results is to select an experienced surgeon like Dr. Mesna and to have realistic expectations. If reducing the appearance of wide set breasts is a cosmetic concern for you, you must speak with Dr. Mesna about it during your consultation. This will allow him to fully evaluate your breasts and determine if he can reduce the gap, if at all. This can help you understand what is realistic and what is not with your breast augmentation.
Find Out if Breast Augmentation Is Right for You
If you have wide set breasts, you should not give up on your desire to undergo breast augmentation surgery. Wide set breasts are not a disqualifying factor for surgery. Instead, you must adjust your expectations of the procedure. To find out if breast augmentation is right for you, contact Mesna Plastic Surgery today to schedule your personal consultation. Dr. Mesna will help you decide if breast augmentation is the right procedure to achieve your cosmetic goals.