Mesna Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center

Capsular Contracture after Breast Augmentation

Dec 10, 2015 @ 10:00 AM — by
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation Plastic Surgery

Breast augmentation is a safe procedure. Most women enjoy improved self-confidence and stunning results that can last for years after undergoing this procedure. Nevertheless, all surgeries carry some risks. Capsular contracture is one possible risk of breast augmentation surgery. This condition can affect the shape and feel of your breasts. Fortunately, capsular contracture is treatable, and it does not pose any long term health effects. Dr. Gregory T. Mesna can perform a revision surgery to eliminate your discomfort and improve your appearance. Following your re-treatment, you can enjoy the beautiful results that you deserve. To learn more about capsular contracture treatments, contact our Minneapolis, MN practice today.

Signs of Capsular Contracture

Signs of capsular contracture can range from mild to severe. If you are suffering any of the following symptoms, contact Dr. Mesna for timely treatment:

What Causes Capsular Contracture?

Following breast augmentation surgery, a capsule of scar tissue will form around the implant. Capsular contracture occurs when this tissue hardens and squeezes the implant. No one knows exactly what causes capsular contracture, although most believe that it occurs because of inflammation in the breast. Infection or tissue trauma may lead to capsular contracture, which is why it is so important to receive treatment from an experienced surgeon like Dr. Mesna. However, some women may develop the condition for no apparent reason, even when they undergo breast augmentation with an outstanding doctor.

Treatment Options for Capsular Contracture

While doctors are still uncertain of the exact causes of capsular contracture, they are familiar with the appropriate treatments. There are two possible surgical options. Capsulectomy is the most common. During this treatment, Dr. Mesna will remove your old implant and the hardened capsule of tissue. If applicable, he will treat any existing infection. Then he will replace the implant with a new one, choosing the size and material that meets your goals.

Capsulotomy is less common, but it can be effective in some cases. Dr. Mesna will simply create an incision in the capsule. This will loosen the hardened tissues to create more room for the implant.

In minor cases, surgery may not be necessary. Medications, vitamin E supplements, and massage can relax the capsule so that the implant sits naturally in your breast.

Preventing Future Capsular Contracture

After your revision surgery, there are a few things you can do to reduce your risk for this condition in the future:

Contact Us for an Evaluation

If you are suffering from capsular contracture, Dr. Mesna can relieve your discomfort and improve the appearance of your breasts. Contact Mesna Plastic Surgery to schedule an evaluation and learn more about your treatment options.