Mesna Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center

Eyelid Surgery for Men

May 30, 2015 @ 10:00 AM — by
Tagged with: Eyelid Surgery Plastic Surgery

While diet and exercise can help keep a body in shape and prevent some changes in appearance, there is nothing that can be done to prevent aging on the face, and in particular, around the eyes. However, patients can take action and treat these conditions. Blepharoplasty tightens the skin around the upper and lower eyelids to give patients a more youthful, alert, and improved appearance. Male eyelid surgery is popular at our Minneapolis practice because it allows patients to rejuvenate their appearance.


The eyes are one of the areas of the face that is most likely to show signs of aging. Loose, heavy skin around the upper and/or lower eyelids is common for men and women. Patients who may be ideal candidates for a blepharoplasty procedure include those with the following areas of concern:

Although these characteristics may develop at any time, on average, patients undergoing blepharoplasty surgery are men and women in their 40s. A consultation with Dr. Gregory T. Mesna is the best way to determine candidacy for eyelid surgery.

The Procedure

Male eyelid surgery is tailored to the specific needs of each of our patients. Based on the conditions that are present, one of the following three techniques will be employed during a blepharoplasty procedure:

Benefits of Eyelid Surgery

Most men who are looking into plastic surgery are not looking to drastically alter their appearance. Instead, they want to reverse some signs of aging in order to reclaim a more youthful and energetic appearance. Blepharoplasty surgery can do just that. It allows patients to rejuvenate their appearance while maintaining a natural appearance.

Schedule an Appointment

If heavy upper or lower eyelids are making you look aged, angry, and tired, consider what eyelid surgery can do for you. Dr. Gregory T. Mesna can tighten the skin around the eyelids and help you to reclaim your youthful appearance. To learn more about this procedure, schedule an appointment with Dr. Mesna at your earliest appearance. We look forward to hearing from you!