Mesna Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center

Pre-operative Eyelid Surgery Instructions

Feb 17, 2015 @ 11:01 AM — by
Tagged with: Eyelid Surgery Facial Plastic Surgery

Pre-operative instructions are designed to ensure that a patient's body is prepared for surgery and will heal quickly. In essence, following pre-operative instructions to the letter is a sure way to reduce the duration and severity of side effects and avoid serious complications while you heal.

We at Mesna Plastic Surgery in Minneapolis always provide patients with detailed information about all phases of surgery. With that in mind, we'd like to provide some basic information regarding cosmetic eyelid surgery (aka blepharoplasty and eyelift surgery), a popular and effective procedure for anti-aging and facial rejuvenation.

Avoid Smoking and Alcoholic Beverages

One of the most important parts of preparing for eyelid surgery is avoiding the use of tobacco products and ingestion of alcoholic beverages. Both tobacco and alcohol can have a negative impact on the healing process, making the body heal slower and also more susceptible to infection.

Patients should refrain from both tobacco products and alcohol for around two to three weeks before surgery. They will be asked to continue to avoid tobacco and alcoholic beverages for the weeks after surgery as they heal.

Avoid Certain Medications and Vitamin Supplements

Roughly two weeks before your surgery, you will also be asked to avoid products that contain aspirin and ibuprofen. Avoiding items and supplements that contain vitamin E is also common, as is refraining from herbal supplements. By avoiding all of these medications and supplements, patients help ensure a better and complication-free healing process.

Fill Prescriptions Ahead of Time

Part of the pre-op instructions patients receive are in place to reduce stress after the surgery has been performed. This means pre-planning. Roughly a week before eyelid surgery, patients should get any prescriptions filled, such as ointments, pain relievers, and so forth.

Clean Around Your Home and Run Errands

In addition to filling prescriptions, patients should make sure their home is clean, their laundry is done, and that they have groceries stocked and ready. This may seem minor, but the less daily worries you have when you're healing, the better it is for relaxation and peace of mind.

Find a Loved One for Transportation and Support

Patients should find a loved one to help with getting to and from the surgical suite on the day of their surgery since they will not be in a fit state following the procedure to travel alone or operate a vehicle. It's also important to have a loved one present for the first few days of recovery. He or she will be able to provide assistance around the home so the patient's focus can be on healing, and can contact the practice in case of pressing matters and urgent questions.

What to Do the Day Before Surgery

The night before surgery, it's important that patients do not eat or drink anything after midnight. This is a precautionary measure that helps with the procedure and the healing process. Patients should get a good night's rest.

What to Do the Day of Surgery

Patients should not eat or drink anything prior to surgery on the day of the procedure. Patients should shower and wash thoroughly, though they should avoid using lotions or facial creams afterwards. Patients should also avoid wearing makeup and perfumes. It's a good idea to wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing to the surgical suite, and to not wear any accessories or jewelry. Comfort and relaxation are key.

Learn More at Mesna Plastic Surgery

To learn more about your options when it comes to facial plastic surgery and facial rejuvenation, be sure to contact our cosmetic skin care and plastic surgery center today. At Mesna Plastic Surgery, we will work closely with you to ensure that you undergo the surgery that makes you look your very best.