Mesna Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center

Eyelid Surgery Candidates: Reviving Your Eyes

May 21, 2014 @ 10:00 AM — by
Tagged with: Eyelid Surgery Plastic Surgery

The eyes are a vital reflection of who we are, except when they start to droop and make us look older. Sagging and drooping eyelids are an early sign of aging that make many people wonder if they would be good eyelid surgery candidates.

Sagging eyelids or bags under the eyes are good reasons to consider eyelid surgery, which can diminish these early signs of aging. If you are not sure about plastic surgery, Dr. Gregory T. Mesna in Minneapolis is skilled at assessing eyelid surgery candidates and can explain how eyelid surgery benefits many patients by making them look more refreshed and alert.

Eyelid surgery, known formally as blepharoplasty, can correct drooping upper lids and puffy or baggy lower lids. These conditions occur because aging skin loses elasticity. This lack of elasticity and gravity combine to create excess skin on the upper and lower eyelids, which creates wrinkles and bulges. For most people, drooping eyelids is simply a cosmetic problem, but in some cases excess skin on the upper eyelid can also hamper vision.  

Eyelid Surgery Candidates 

Both men and women are candidates for eyelid surgery. In most cases, people are 40 years old or older before having the surgery, though younger people who are genetically predisposed to sagging also undergo eyelid surgery.

In general, if you suffer from sagging eyelids or droopy skin around the eyes, you may be an ideal candidate for eyelid surgery. Specifically, eyelid surgery can help diminish:

If you have certain medical conditions, you should discuss these with your doctor before undergoing the procedure. Medical conditions that may increase risks during surgery include:

Eyelid Surgery

The goal of eyelid surgery is to diminish the drooping that makes your eyes look older. It can be done on the upper eyelid, the lower eyelid, or both. In each case, excess skin and fat is removed to reduce sagging and puffiness. If necessary, underlying muscles also will be tightened. Incisions for the procedure are positioned discreetly to avoid obvious scaring. The surgery is a relatively simple procedure that can be done safely and quickly as an outpatient procedure.

In some cases, younger patients develop puffy bags under their eyes but they do not have excess, sagging skin. For them, an abridged eyelid surgery called a transconjunctival blepharoplasty can be done to remove the excess fat causing the puffiness.

Depending on your health and other factors, upper eyelid surgery typically lasts at least five to seven years. Lower eyelid surgery rarely needs to be repeated.


If you think droopy and sagging eyelids make you look older or tired, then eyelid surgery may be an ideal remedy. Eyelid surgery can refresh your eyes, benefitting your entire face.

Please contact us for an appointment so we may answer your questions.