Mesna Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center

Laser Hair Removal - Popular Areas

Mar 8, 2013 @ 01:01 PM — by
Tagged with: Laser Hair Removal Skin Care Facial Rejuvenation Aesthetic Enhancement

If there's one thing that can leave you feeling very self-conscious, it's unsightly hair. If you're headed out for a sunny vacation or have some sort of formal event requiring nice attire, this unsightly body hair can have a major impact on what you wear and what you do. Rather than shave, pluck, or wax, there is another option at our plastic surgery center in Minneapolis: laser hair removal.

About Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal uses safe, advanced technology to help eliminate hair from various parts of the body. The laser light will target the hair in the follicle and eliminate it while also making this hair grow back thinner and fairer.

What to Expect During Laser Hair Removal

During a laser hair removal treatment at our cosmetic plastic surgery center serving Minneapolis, patients will wear protective eye wear and may have topical anesthetic placed on the treatment area. The sensation of treatment is usually described as a mild snap from a rubber band. The duration of the treatment will depend on the needs of the patient.

Below are some of the most common and popular areas for laser hair removal treatment.

Laser Hair Removal for the Face and Neck

For women dealing with facial hair, laser hair removal is a great option. It can safely target hair along the upper lip, the sideburn area, the chin, and other parts of the face.

Men can also undergo laser hair removal to deal with hair on their neck, which can be a major source of self-consciousness.

Laser Hair Removal for the Chest

Sometimes a hairy chest can make you look masculine and rugged, but too much hair can be a problem for some men. That's why laser hair removal is a good option to consider for reducing too much chest hair.

Laser Hair Removal for the Back

While the right amount of hair on the chest can be desirable, no amount of hair on the back is acceptable. Both men and women have looked into shaving and other Minneapolis skin care options such as laser hair removal to get rid of this unwanted hair for good.

Laser Hair Removal for the Bikini Area

Waxing and plucking around the bikini line can be a real pain and hassle, but laser hair removal offers another way around it that's safe and effective as well.

Laser Hair Removal for the Arms and Arm Pits

Some women may have issues with dark or thick hair on their forearms. Laser hair removal can get rid of that unsightly hair and make it less noticeable in the future. As for hair in the arm pits, laser treatments can also prove effective.

Laser Hair Removal for the Legs

Rather than shave your legs before a day at the beach, getting laser hair removal on the legs can help you get the look that you've always wanted and leave your legs looking smooth and sexy for weeks at a time.

Other Options for Looking Your Best

In addition to laser hair removal, there are plenty of other treatments that you should keep in mind, from facial plastic surgery to other treatments that can enhance your curves and definition. We can discuss those in greater detail during your visit.

Learn More About Your Options for Aesthetic Enhancement

For more information about laser hair removal and your many other options for non-surgical aesthetic enhancement, be sure to contact our Edina, MN cosmetic plastic surgery center today. Our entire team looks forward to meeting you in person and helping you look your absolute best.