Mesna Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center

Browlift Recovery

May 2, 2012 @ 10:21 AM — by
Tagged with: Browlift Plastic Surgery

If you are unhappy with the appearance forehead creases and drooping brows, you may be considering browlift to give yourself a more refreshed facial appearance. Browlift is a revolutionary cosmetic surgery procedure that can dramatically reduce the appearance of sagging or excess skin on the forehead, creating a younger look.

Many browlift patients are concerned about the recovery period for the procedure. Just like with any surgery, observing a proper recovery period after browlift can go a long way toward helping ensure that you see the results you want.

The dedicated professionals at our Edina plastic surgery practice have experience helping patients achieve the best results with browlift. We will carefully evaluate your individual condition and recommend whether browlift is a suitable treatment for you. Our Edina facelift surgeon will explain the browlift recovery process in detail so that you understand the risks and advantages of browlift.

Brow Lift Surgery Recovery

After browlift, it is not uncommon for patients to feel some numbness in the forehead. The numbness may last for a few weeks after your surgery, but it gradually goes away with time. If the numbness lasts longer than your doctor advises it should, this may be a sign of complications and should be brought to your doctor’s attention.

The following symptoms may also occur during recovery from browlift:

Getting Back to Normal After Browlift

Most brow lift patients can return to most daily activities and work a week or so after their surgery. The less-invasive form of browlift, called endoscopic brow lift, allows patients to return to normal life sooner, since the recovery period is shorter than with traditional browlift. Regardless of what form of browlift is done, rigorous activity and exercise that increase your blood pressure should be avoided for several weeks after browlift.

In the days immediately following your browlift, you should plan on laying low and getting plenty of rest. A couple days after your surgery, your doctor will have you back in the office for a follow-up appointment. At this time, your surgeon may change your bandages and check on the progress of your recovery. A week or so after your surgery, you will have another appointment scheduled so your surgeon can remove your sutures and further evaluate your recovery.

Tips to Shorten Your Browlift Surgery

There are some tips you should follow in order to help ensure that you have the shortest possible browlift recovery. Following these tips and your doctor’s orders also can help ensure that you achieve the most attractive results.

Contact Us about Browlift

Browlift can be a life-changing procedure that effectively turns back the hands of time. If you want to know if you are a good candidate for browlift, we invite you to contact our cosmetic surgery practice to schedule an initial consultation. One our cosmetic surgeons will evaluate your condition and discuss browlift, including the typical recovery period, with you.